Testosterone Therapy in PalmBeach/ Jupiter/ Palm Beach Gardens/ West Palm Beach.
Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is a medical protocol formen who have been tested and have low testosterone levels. A patient will comein to see the doctor and have a physical exam, and consultation and then gettheir lab work done to test their bloods hormone concentration for their totaland free testosterone, PSA, estrogen levels and more. TRT has consistently beenshown to have extremely positive health benefits with only a minimal risk ofside effects. Furthermore, the benefits of testosterone therapy can be bothphysical and mental, helping patients not just look better but feel better aswell. The therapeutic restoration of testosterone levels to be within thenormal range by using TRT has been shown to:
Where some benefits will start to appear in the first month oftherapy, most effects begin to take place over the first few months. Eachpatient is different and responds at a slightly different rate, however allpatients benefit from having optimized their testosterone levels. All of thesebenefits have made testosteronereplacement therapy usage increasesignificantly over the past few years, and with good reason. Why? Because itworks. TRT is usually well received due to recent published medical studiesshowing its efficacy and safety. As long as a patient is under a doctor’s careand being monitored, TRT is completely safe just as long as testosterone iskept within normal, physiologic levels. This is why it’s important to have aqualified and experienced physician who is able to understand your body, yourneeds and how TRT protocol should work.
Testosterone replacement therapy produces a reasonable increasein lean body mass (muscle mass) in men with low T. TRT users normally gainaround three to six pounds of lean muscle mass in the first six months oftherapy. As men age, they lose muscle mass,typically about 0.5 to 1.0% per year after they turn 40. This rate in reductionbecomes much faster after the age of 40 and is much worse if they have lowtestosterone. Muscle contributes a significant amount to an individual’sresting metabolism. Therefore, any loss in muscle will slow down the restingmetabolism. Once T levels are stabilized within normalrange, some increases in muscle mass typically start to taper off. Thisstabilization often occurs after around six months of treatment. You will looklean and tone, and feel amazing.
Testosterone therapy also produces a moderate decrease in bodyfat, especially abdominal fat mass, in elderly men with low T. Typical fat losswill range anywhere between five to ten pounds in the first six months of TRTtreatment. So you will not see a significant change in weight, but rather areal change in BMI. You will have more muscle and less fat. You will feelenergized and stronger with more focus. You will in short, feel like a new man.Most patients are reporting an incredible turn around in just a few weeks ofhaving started at NovaGenix.
As men age, they typically will gain fat mass, especially abdominal(otherwise known as visceral) fat. Besides giving you an unwanted gut and lovehandles, this increase in fat increases the incidence and risk ofcardiovascular problems. TRT for men with low levels can keep you thinner andhealthier since long-term studies consistently show a decrease in fat mass andmen at healthier weight suffer fewer chronic health conditions, TRT can help improve your health so that youlive BETTER, longer. You deserve to enjoy a healthy active lifestyle and lovelife well into your later years. We can help you look, live and feel your best.
For more information on TRT therapy,visit www.NovaGenix.org Callus today at 561-277-8260 or email us at info@NovaGenix.org andone of our clinical experts will help you determine in hormone therapy is rightfor you. We can help to test, diagnose and treat you to start your TRT protocoltoday.
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Monday - Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm | Saturday-Sunday: Closed