Low Testosterone Problems and Solutions

June 29, 2021

As the body ages, certain parts of the body no longer function as they used to. While it is easy to discard some small changes until they become unbearable, some other changes aren’t so subtle. One of the most common problems that are quite noticeable is the change in testosterone level in men. Naturally, once a man is over 30 years, the body reduces its testosterone level by 1 to 2 percent annually. However, the process, which is expected to be gradual over the years, may take a different turn with glaring signs and symptoms. Low testosterone levels are usually characterized by certain emotional, physical, and sexual signs. While those signs may not be welcome, the good news is that they can be treated. This addresses some of the commonest symptoms associated with low testosterone levels and how you can address those problems.


The first major problem you may experience as part of your descent into the lower testosterone thresholds is fatigue. You may find that you are unnecessarily tired after an activity that you would have naturally excelled at. You may find yourself breaking a sweat at the end of minor physical activities, or you may catch yourself being lazy. All of these are the subtle signs of low testosterone levels in your body. You may brush this symptom off because the body is expected to age after several years, but in the real sense of it, your body may not be aging as fast as your testosterone levels are dropping.


If you have noticed this problem, you can begin a path to restoring your testosterone levels by resting more. The body needs about seven to nine hours of sleep each day to properly reset and refresh itself. It’s time to pay close attention to how you sleep and for how long you sleep. Giving your body the required rest it deserves can reduce the chances of stress which may be a contributory factor to your low testosterone levels. Please note that this solution will not magically restore your testosterone levels to the high threshold in one night. However, it will leave you rested and with much more energy to go about your day.

Weight Gain

Testosterone is the hormone that is responsible for muscle compaction and firmness. When you begin to experience low testosterone levels, you begin to notice a decrease in your muscle density and firmness. Over time, you may begin to gain weight in the areas where you once boasted of little to no fat. A study revealed that men with low testosterone tend to have a higher body fat percentage than men with normal testosterone levels. If you fall in this category, now is the time to begin to retrace your steps.


Irrespective of your low testosterone levels, you should know that losing fat can be a difficult challenge. The challenge becomes more daunting as you age. It is okay to pace yourself as you try to lose the excess fat that you have accumulated. A great way to address this problem is not only to begin weight management exercises but also to pay attention to your stressors. Identify the people or situations that stress you and work around avoiding them. By decreasing your stress level, you give your body one less thing to worry about and increase the chances of effective weight management. You should also pay attention to your diet. You should prioritize your vegetables and fruits while cutting down on your sugar intake.


Three common symptoms associated with low testosterone levels include moodiness, low energy levels, and weight gain. These three symptoms are interwoven. When you suffer from fatigue and low energy levels, it becomes harder to participate in those physical tasks that bring you joy. Being a little lazy and sedentary, you gain more weight, and this can cause you to become moody. A recent study involving 600 elderly Dutch men revealed that low testosterone levels might also be associated with mental health conditions.


While you may have carried on as though nothing happened, your family and friends are sure to have noticed the changes in your energy levels. They will also have noticed that you have gradually become moody and not as bright as you used to be. To address this problem, you may want to schedule an appointment with a low testosterone expert. Low testosterone experts are trained to identify the cause of the problem and offer effective treatment strategies that boost your testosterone levels and restore you to the active state you were in

Loss of Strength

All of the signs and symptoms associated with low testosterone levels are interrelated. You may begin to notice a loss of strength, partly due to being fatigued and the reduced muscle mass. With the loss of strength, you begin to notice your inability to lift certain weights that were otherwise easy in the past.


When you begin to notice a loss of strength, it is best to tackle this problem by exercising more to keep in shape and stay fit. You do not have to start big; a few jogging sessions during the week or on weekends can grow into a gym membership. While at the gym, hiring a gym instructor or personal trainer is recommended. These professionals can help you to stay fit and reach your goals while reducing the chances of exercise injuries.

Diminished Libido

One of the most shocking symptoms of low testosterone levels in men is diminished libido. Diminished libido can affect a couple’s sex life as the partner may not be getting as much satisfaction as they used to get in the past from sexual activities. Diminished libido may also cause you to want your partner less, and this can also create more problems in any relationship.


To address this problem, you can work with your partner on other approaches to initiating and sustaining sexual relations. You can also visit a testosterone doctor to have your testosterone levels checked and treatment administered.Low testosterone levels have become a rampant problem among men who are 25 years and above. If you suffer from this problem or have noticed any of these symptoms in your spouse, visit https://novagenix.org/testosterone-replacement/ to learn more and explore treatment options.NovaGenix609 North Hepburn Ave Suite 106Jupiter Florida 334585612778260Find us on Social Mediahttps://www.facebook.com/NovaGenixJupiter/https://twitter.com/novagenixhttps://www.instagram.com/novagenix/


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Blood Work Request Form

This subsequent lab panel is necessary for males undergoing Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) through NovaGenix Health and Wellness. It allows physicians to assess the patient's response to prescribed medications, covering sex hormone levels, thyroid function, adrenal health, hematocrit, and liver and kidney function. The panel includes tests such as:

  • Complete Blood Count
  • Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
  • Testosterone (Free and Total)
  • Estradiol Sensitive
  • Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
  • Prostate Specific Antigen

Each test serves a specific purpose in monitoring overall health and treatment effectiveness. When required, Dr Mackey may require LH and FSH (Luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone) SHBG (Sex hormone binding globulin) or any other tests which may be important for your health and optimizing your hormones.

The Comprehensive Hormone and Wellness Panel for Women offers a foundational assessment of sex hormones, thyroid function, adrenal health, metabolic activity, and overall well-being. This panel serves as a diagnostic tool for identifying testosterone and estrogen deficiencies, assessing health risks, and detecting potential thyroid issues before considering hormone replacement therapy. Additionally, it includes insights into hematocrit (red blood cell volume), as well as liver and kidney function. The panel encompasses various tests such as:

  • Complete Blood Count (CBC)
  • Complete Metabolic Panel
  • Testosterone (free and total)
  • Estradiol
  • Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
  • Progesterone

When indicated, Dr. Mackey may require additional tests such as Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH), and IGF-1 and Cortisol.

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609 N Hepburn avenue suite 106. Jupiter, Florida 33458

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609 N Hepburn avenue suite 106. Jupiter, Florida 33458